A big thank you to everyone for making this first week run smoothly! It was such a huge relief to have so many people organized and on top of their teams! For the most part everyone showed up on time and ready to go and at the end of the night the nets were put away quickly and neatly! THANK YOU!!
Some Housekeeping Items:
-Weekly news & updates will be posted on this webpage so be sure to check back every week (especially the schedule page).
-If there is some last minute news or emergency items to address I will either text or email team Captains and expect the captains to pass the messages along to their teammates (it's probably going to be a while before I input everyones email addresses into my account).
-Please make sure you submit your teams payment by next session (Pack Attack & Eliminators are still owing - either cash or cheques payable to Lindsay Watts).
-Remember any new person you bring out each week must sign and submit a waiver form to me (I will keep a few extra blank ones on hand just in case).
-Reffing is all "call your own." Please be honest! (Dirty sets, net touches, in/out, under the net). If there is any debate about a point that lasts longer than 10 seconds, it will be an automatic reserve.
-During the sessions my husband, Mark, will be helping me out with the misc. stuff that I may not be able to tend to since I do play in the league myself. Please make sure you are reporting your scores to him after every game, and don't hesitate to let him or myself know if there are any issues or suggestions, etc. that you may want discussed, we are all ears:)
The Flow:
Because this seasons is so short (only about 8-10 weeks) and we are just starting to get a feel for the gym space, janitors leniency, etc. I think for now we will stick with running as we did this week. There will be two time slots (8-9pm and 9-10pm), and we will each play 3 separate teams. However, I do think we can manage time for sets to 25 (hard cap) instead of 21. Keep in mind though, there will always be the 20 minute time limit, so if your court decides to warm up for an extra 5 minutes or so, you will still be expected to move on to your next game regardless if you finished or not.
I will be purchasing two "game balls." If you have a preference please let me know. The options are:
-Molten VN 5000 (my fav)
-Mikasa MVA 200
-Tachikara Gold
-Baden Perfection
I had one of each at last nights session.
The athletic coordinator at ACSS has already offered that we can have gym space in January 2016 until the end of the school year (of course there might be a few exceptions for school functions, etc.) so I would love to get everyones input on ideas for next season.
-I anticipate we will make the cost to be around $240.00 per team instead since it will be a much longer season compared to this Fall one ($40 per player if you have a 6 player team).
-IF we can get longer gym time in January, i.e. 7-10pm, I would probably still do two session (7-830, and 830-10), but we would have time for at the very least playing two teams best of three sets.
-IF gym time remains only two hours (8-10), then I will consider maybe having teams play alternating weeks. That way four teams get the full two hours one week, and four teams get the full two hours the next week. - this one might just be a bit of a scheduling challenge on my end, but if this is peoples preference I would be willing to try it out.
That is all for now. I will post next weeks schedule soon.
Please continue to arrive early or on time as there is no real "set up/warm-up" time allotted and I want to continue to be able to start games on time so that people have the most "playing time."
Thanks again!