Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Still Working

Sadly it sounds like quite a few schools are mostly booked up in the evening weekday time slots with their in school sports teams etc. I have however, emailed a bunch more contacts over the weekend, including one that was referred to me by one of the team members from the league so hopefully I will have some good news soon!

Keep those fingers crossed!


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Trying To Get In Touch

I have yet to here back from my contact at LSS so I emailed their principal directly and hope to hear something soon. I have also started contacting some other schools (high schools, middle schools and even some elementary schools) in the meantime so hopefully someone gets back to me soon.

Just trying to keep everyone in the loop!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Looking For Alternate Options

Hey Everyone,
I got a reply back from the coordinator at LCS. He says that the earliest he expects we could maybe start our season is not until mid October (work on the gym doesn't start until September 28). Because of the delayed start, he recommends that we find a different venue for this season. This is sad news because I think their price was relatively low in comparison to other venues I've rented.

It's not all bad news though, I used to have a contact at LSS from when I rented their gym a few years back, so I emailed her today and am eagerly waiting a reply.

If anyone has any other suggestions for locations in the meantime though, please let me know as I am happy to send out emails and make some calls if need be.

Also, if people could get in touch with me (either post comments on here or send me an email) and let me know what sacrifices they/their team would be willing to make if it means we get to play, i.e. pay more $, drive further, play later or earlier hrs, play on a different day, etc.

Also, if on the off chance I can't make something happen this season, are people going to be interested in playing in a January season if I can get things arranged?

Look forward to hearing from you ladies, sorry about the bad news, but let's stay optimistic that we can keep womens volleyball running locally!


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Keeping You Informed

Just wanted to let everyone know that I still haven't heard back from the coordinator at LCS, however I sent a follow up email this morning hoping to get more details, i.e. start date, cost, length of season, etc.

I will post again soon with an update when I have one.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Gym Flood Update

I received a reply from the coordinator at LCS. Apparently there was some flood damage in the high school gym which is still under repair. He anticipates that the gyms won't be available to rent out until the end of September, "possibly longer."

By the sounds of it, most people are still pretty eager to keep the league alive in Langley, so I have told the coordinator that I think waiting a few extra weeks should be fine. I will continue to update you ladies as I become aware, and in the meantime if you could continue to gather your teams and update me with your rosters it would be much appreciated.

Thanks so much!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

2015 Fall Season

Hi everyone,

I expect that you are checking out this site because you have previously played in the Women's 6s volleyball league run by Jan Ellison at Langley Christian School.

Since Jan is stepping down this year I have offered to hopefully try to take charge of running the league. I have recently emailed the coordinator from LCS to confirm details i.e cost of gym rental as well as gym availability.

In the meantime I hope those of you interested in registering a team could please email me (Lindsaywatts07@gmail.com) to let me know your team name and roster so that I can add it to the site. I am expecting to need 8 teams in order to cover the gym rental cost (I do not want to be paying out of my own pocket), however, until I hear back from the coordinator I do not know for sure yet how many teams I will need. I also hope to get the league started by mid September, but again, I will not know until I hear back from the coordinator.

Depending on what the coordinator comes back to me with, if I am unable to get enough women's 6s teams to cover the cost of the space, I also suggested to him that I would consider running a  weekly "drop-in" , and have it on a first come first serve-basis. Depending on the number and variety of people, perhaps we could run any variation of women's 6s, men's 6, co-ed 6s, R4s, etc.

As soon as I hear back from the coordinator at LCS I will post on this site, but in the meantime if everyone could get back to me on whether or not they are interested in participating this season (i.e. team names and rosters, or if they would prefer just an individual drop in sign up).

Thanks so much and look forward to hearing from you all!

2015 Fall Womens League Teams

Big Kahuna: confirmed
-Lindsay Watts
-Sarah Elverum
-Jillian Noort
-Vanessa Wiebe 
-Barb Burks

Ball Busters: confirmed
-Emily Van Vliet
-Amanda Mickelby
-Taylor Connolley
-Emily Stasiuk
-Sarah Novakowski
-Shanice Lee

Impact: confirmed
-Michelle Jones
-Lauren Kurtenbach
-Alanna Iggulden
-Celine Charbonneau
-Sam Takacs
-Rachel Ulledal

Set For Life: confirmed
-Cheryl Driegen
-Christina Vandergaag
-Shannon Driegen
-Corina Boes
-Natalie Dehaan
-Kelsey Faber
-Kathy Noort
-Brianne Oosterhof

Sambuca: confirmed
-Sylvia Compton
-Amanda Link

I'd Hit That: confirmed
-Ashley Bowkett
-Kristy Hutfelter
-Kendra Powers
-Lindsay Yamez
-Brianna Da Costa
-BrieAnne Merwin

No Name: confirmed
-Arlena Onderwater

Eliminators: confirmed
-Stacey Cassidy

Individuals looking for teams:
-Dayna Kanigan - setter
-Tina Tomyk - middle 

-Anna Stockton's Team


Here is where I will have all the teams and their player contact info listed. I will update this page as I receive team rosters from the Captains.



Here is where I will post the weekly results, and therefore the updated standings.
Stay tuned!

Schedule Updates

This page is where you will come to look and find the updated weekly schedule!

Stay tuned for updates.

Welcome to Langley Volleyball

Hello All!

Welcome to the Langley Volleyball page! I will be spending a bit of time putting a bit of work into the site while I await to getting in contact with the coordinator from LCS.

Please be patient with me with me while I try to get things up and running as a new beginning!

This will be the communication page, so if you have questions or comments, please post them in the comment section below.

