Friday, March 11, 2016

Spring 2016 Plans

I have had a few questions in the last few days about plans for Spring 2016. So far, here is where I am at:

We will most likely be running Co-ed Reverse 4s. I am hoping to run it as a "league" that you must register a team for but if we can't get enough committment then we might have to run it on a "drop-in" basis. Even if we do run it as a "drop-in" though, you will still be required to "sign up" each week, so that I know what the numbers are like, and whether or not I need to break it up into the two time slots.

All that being said, if you are interested in continuing to play in Spring 2016 please let me know one of the following:

A) You have a full team of 4 (two guys, two girls) and are interested in registering as a team so that we can play "league style"

B) You are an individual guy or girl or "portion" of a team who is looking to have a complete team (two guys, two girls) so we can play "league style"

C) You are an individual looking to play periodically as a sub (if it ends up being "league style"), or are looking for a drop-in basis.

I need to try and get an idea of how many teams I can run with/if I need to reach out to more people, as well as how to break up the time each week. Also, if you are looking to complete a team, please feel free to post in the comments below with your name and some contact info so that people can reach out.

Look forward to hearing from you guys! :)

I will do another post once registration officially opens :) next week sometime 

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