Sunday, November 26, 2017

Info - Players/Teams

Hey Ladies, 

FYI, if anyone is looking for players/teams for the upcoming winter season, the following people have expressed interest:

Karey Wiens (new to the lower mainland)
Cell: 250-371-7504
Experience: played high school, women's league, and co-ed rec in Kamloops, and currently plays drop-in in Langley

Danielle Bosma (waiting to get further contact/experience info)



Hey Ladies, 

Finals have arrived! As I said before, finals will be played over a 2 week span. B pool first, followed by A pool, that way we have enough time to playout "best of 3" matches. Also, you'll note that only the top eight teams made it to the playoffs. Unfortunately coordinating a 9 team bracket with our limited space/time was too much of a challenge. 

Also, because not all teams played the same number of games, instead of going by wins/losses like I usually do, in order to make it fair I went by average points per game. 

Here are the standings heading into playoffs:

B Pool - Thursday, November 30, 2017
5th: Eliminators
6th: Shanice
7th: Marika
8th: Impact

A Pool - Thursday, December 7, 2017
1st: Wei
2nd: Danika
3rd: Lindsay
4th: I'd Hit That

Finally, I have had a few questions about the upcoming winter season. At this point I do not have a confirmed start date, but expect that it will be mid-January. Please continue to check the website as that is where I will post updates as I get them. You must email me ( if you wish to reserve a spot for the upcoming winter season. 

One last thing, if anyone has feedback regarding preference of play time (ie. prefer playing all three teams 1 game to 31, or go back to playing only 2 teams but 2 sets to 21) I would love to try to accommodate to keep everyone happy. 

Thanks again!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Week 12: Thursday November, 23, 2017

Hey Ladies, 

So sorry about the delay getting the schedule out this week. I just got so behind with errands and then had a few last minute scheduling requests so here we finally go:

645pm - 8pm:


815pm - 930pm:
-I'd Hit That


Don't forget that this will be the last week of regular round robin play! Next week will be the B pool playoffs and the following week is A pool. 

So sorry again about the delay this week, see you Thursday!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 11: Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hey Ladies, 

Here is the schedule for week 11:

645pm - 8pm:

-I'd Hit That

815pm - 930pm:


We will be running playoffs over a two week period (usually bottom pool the first week, followed by the top pool), and as of right now I am expecting to run them November 30 and December 7, 2017.

See you Thursday!

Friday, November 3, 2017


Hey Ladies, 

Sorry to report but week 10: November 9, 2017, is cancelled as the school's senior girls volleyball team is hosting games that night.

As far as the rest of the season goes though, I anticipate finishing December 7 or 14th, and will post accordingly once I have confirmed availability with the school.  

