Friday, March 31, 2017

Co-ed R4s Start Up Info

Hey Everyone,

I have all four R4s teams from last season confirmed at this time:

I have had some further interest and am doing my best to try to decide what is the best why I could accommodate more teams, but still keeping a high caliber and amount of play time each week. 

I am considering making room for 1-2 more teams to join (Team Shelby, and Team Julia), but that means that each week 1-2 teams would have to sit. I have contacted the athletic coordinator at ACSS to find out just how many weeks we have left (that will most likely make the decision on whether teams are going to end up sitting for a week or two here and there).

I am hoping to make a decision by next week and confirm with those pending teams. 

Also, Rebecca Vane has offered that if any teams are looking for subs or extra players she is very interested. She played on team Marika last season. If you would like to get in touch with her please let me know and I will pass along her contact info. 


Friday, March 24, 2017

Womens 6s Playoffs!

Hey Ladies, 

Here are the final standings heading into the next two weeks of playoffs!

Pool B: Thursday March 30, 2017 (645-9pm)
1st - Marika
2nd - Shanice
3rd - Impact
4th - Barely Legal

Pool A: Thursday April 6, 2017 (645 - 9pm)
1st - Sambuca
2nd -It's Big
3rd - I'd Hit That
4th - Eliminators

I made the final standings based on wins vs. losses, and then used overall points to break any ties. 

Thanks again for a great season ladies and see you all at playoffs over the next two weeks!!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

R4s Info!

Hey Everyone, 

Just a reminder co-ed R4s will be starting up Thursday April 13, 2017. 

Please email me ( to confirm/reserve a spot. Priority will be given to returning teams, and then by first come first serve basis (spots are limited). 


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Week 7: March 23, 2017

Hi Everyone, 
Here is this weeks schedule:

645pm - 800pm
Court 1
-It's Big vs. I'd Hit That
-It's Big vs. Marika

Court 2
-Marika vs. Sambuca
-I'd Hit That vs. Sambuca

815pm - 930pm
Court 1
-Impact vs. Barely Legal
-Impact vs. Eliminators

Court 2
-Eliminators vs. Shanice
-Barely Legal vs. Shanice

See you all Thursday!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Upcoming Details (Womens & R4s)

Hey Everyone, 
Please ready below for some information about the upcoming weeks!

Women 6s:
-Thursday March 23, 2017 will be the last regular week of womens 6s 
-Thursday March 30, 2017 will be the playoffs for womens 6s POOL B
-Thursday April 6, 2017 will be the playoffs for womens 6s POOL A

Co-ed R4s:
-Thursday April 13, 2017 will be the first week of Co-ed R4s 
-You MUST email me to confirm or re-confirm your registration (there is limited gym space/time available)

If there are any issues, concerns, or suggestions for anything upcoming, please don't hesitate to let me know ! :)


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week 6: March 16, 2017

Hi Everyone, 
Here is this weeks schedule:

645pm - 800pm
Court 1
-I'd Hit That vs. Marika
-I'd Hit That vs. Impact

Court 2
-Impact vs. Barely Legal
-Marika vs. Barely Legal

815pm - 930pm
Court 1
-Sambuca vs. Shanice
-Sambuca vs. Eliminators

Court 2
-Eliminators vs. It's Big
-Shanice vs. It's Big

See you all Thursday!


PS. Don't forget to submit your request for a spot if you want in for upcoming Reverse 4s (hoping to start April 13, 2017!)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week 5: March 9, 2017

Hi Everyone, 
Here is this weeks schedule:

645pm - 800pm
Court 1
-It's Big vs. Marika
-It's Big vs. Sambuca

Court 2
-Sambuca vs. I'd Hit That
-Marika vs. I'd Hit That

815pm - 930pm
Court 1
-Impact vs. Eliminators
-Impact vs. Shanice

Court 2
-Shanice vs. Barely Legal 
-Eliminators vs. Barely Legal 

See you all Thursday!


Ps. I have been told we will have use of the gym over spring break!