Monday, December 14, 2015

Winter 2016

We will be starting up again Thursday, January 7th,  2016, and will run to approximately the end of March 2016 (I will consider running coed 6s or R4s from April onwards).

My understanding is that all eight teams will be returning in January for womens 6s. I also plan on spreading the word a bit and therefore will take up to two more full teams (10 teams total). If I do get interest from two more teams this does mean that each week two teams will sit. I will do my best to keep the structure similar to this past season, i.e. two time slots (7-815 and 830-945), two games to 21 (hard cap), against two separate teams. I will also try to accommodate any requests for late/early times slots, and if we do get 9 or 10 teams, I will also do my best to try to let you sit if you know there is a week where you will be short players, but I cannot make any guarantees.

That is all for now! 
I will post an update with schedule, fee, etc. closer to the new start date. 

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