Monday, October 19, 2015

More Good News!

Hey Everyone,
Some great news to pass along to your teammates: We now have the gym starting at 7pm!

I know a lot of people were feeling quite rushed last week having only 1 game to 21 and playing three separate teams, but honestly with the limited time and space it was sort of the only thing that made sense to get the most variety.

Although we still only have the two courts to play on, having the extra hour should help improve the flow. This week we will continue to stick with two sessions (one starting at 7pm and one starting at 830pm), however each team will play two other teams, two games to 25 (cap 27) instead of just one game to 21.  Please keep in mind this is again going to be a bit of a "tester week" so I might still have to cut some games short due to time limit if need be.

The custodial staff has also requested that we be finished games, packed up, and out of the building by 10pm so I have planned to finish games by 945 (hopefully sooner), which should give us more than enough time to pack up.

Again, please make sure you arrive early to help set up nets and get warmed up, and also make sure you continue to help return the nets at the end of the night.


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